Brilliant! At times I am just mesmerized and amazed by the young athletes that comprise Colorado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Satori. I am truly inspired and humbled by their insight:

Jiu Jitsu

by Grace


Goes my opponent

As I execute the 

Snap down Osoto Gari

With a flawless trip

As my opponent turns

Onto their back

I perform the

Rear Naked Choke

Tap tap


Goes the bell as I win

My opponent has surrendered


I am powerful



Jiu Jitsu


Grace joined us recently and has been a wonderful addition to our Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday Young Athletes sessions. The day after her first live rolling, she shared with me this poem. Brilliant. Just Brilliant. Keep rolling Grace!

Colorado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Satori – CBJJS – Excellent Instruction – BJJ – Martial Arts – Self Defense – Fitness – Community – Fun – Central Park – Denver – Aurora – Jiu Jitsu Colorado