Professor “Doomsday” Don Westman took a team of seven Colorado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Satori athletes out to Garland, Texas, just outside of Dallas, for the 2022 IBJJF Pan Jiu Jitsu No-Gi Championships and the results were nothing short of outstanding! The CBJJS Traveling Combat Crew racked up an impressive number of Gold Medal victories for a small team from Colorado, especially in the shadow of recovering from a disastrous, and nearly business ending, arson attack against the gym. Business struggles notwithstanding, our Jiu Jitsu was strong! Below are some of the inspiring stories.


Cory simply dominated. Complete domination. He submitted all of the opponents offered at his weight class (Ultra Heavy) and then, as if defeating the giants was not enough, Cory submitted each of his opponents in the Absolute (Open Weight) division, from big to small and every size in between! Outstanding! We could not be more proud of Cory’s continuing success and development as a complete Jiu Jitsu athlete. From 2021 IBJJF World Jui Jitsu No-Gi Champion at Blue Belt, to 2022 IBJJF Pan Jiu Jitsu No-Gi Champion (Double Gold) at Purple Belt. Breathtaking! Way to go Cory! Way to go Colorado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Satori!


Del’s path to Gold Medal Championship victory at the 2022 IBJJF Pan Jiu Jitsu No-Gi Championships was marred by a wrongful disqualification in his Silver Medal finish at his weight class. Del had submitted his first opponent, but in his finals match, after his opponent tapped, the referee called a disqualification on Del stating that he had performed an illegal reap of his opponent’s knee when his opponent turned to avoid a single leg X entanglement. His opponent even stated to the referee that he had not been reaped but had tapped before Del’s foot passed his midline and that Del’s foot only crossed the midline after the tap. Nevertheless, referee stuck to his call and Del was disqualified in the Gold Medal match at his weight class (Super Heavy). However, Del demonstrated the true spirit of a champion by entering the Absolute (Open Weight) Division, in the face of the questionable call which deprived him of the opportunity to achieve Double Gold and submitted all three of his game opponents. Del did not let the earlier disappointment and possibly mistaken disqualification distract him from his goal: Championship Gold. Instead, like the true champion does, he took the setback as motivation for higher performance. Higher performance achieved: Gold Medal in the Absolute Division. We could not be more proud of Del’s continuing success and development as a complete Jiu Jitsu athlete. From 2021 IBJJF World Jui Jitsu No-Gi Champion at Blue Belt, to 2022 IBJJF Pan Jiu Jitsu No-Gi Champion (Absolute Division) at Purple Belt. Way to go Del. Way to go Colorado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Satori!


Ronald Robin performed beyond expectation. Ronald was the first of our CBJJS Traveling Combat Crew to compete at the 2022 IBJJF Pan Jiu Jitsu No-Gi Championships and boy did he set the bar for the CBJJS Athletes attending the competition. Ronald submitted his opponent via a Kimura with a beautiful display of Jiu Jitsu on his way to Gold at his Weight Class. While Ronald was not able to secure Gold in the Absolute Division, he was able to secure two submission victories before losing by a narrow 2 point margin the Absolute championship match! What a way to set a standard for the team. Ronald has been a CBJJS athlete from White Belt to Purple Belt. In that time, he has learned much Jiu Jitsu and performed in at various competitions putting it to the test throughout the belt levels. Throughout this time, he has also faced much personal challenge, with both his own health and, recently, with the health of his loved ones. The challenges, together with an unforgiving work schedule, might have discouraged or distracted a lesser athlete from undertaking the challenges that Ronald has set for himself: IBJJF Champion. Not to be denied, Ronald put in the work, rose to the occasion, and achieved his goal: Champion! Brilliant! Way to go Ronald! Way to go Colorado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Satori!


Collette joined the CBJJS Traveling Combat Crew for this year’s 2022 IBJJF Pan Jiu Jitsu No-Gi Championships. We do not always get to choose our challenges. When Collette went to compete in her weight, age, and belt division, there were no other ladies with the courage to show up, step on the mat, and compete for the title. Collette took Gold. But she was not satisfied, she came to compete, and compete she did, winning matches and earning the Silver Medal in the Absolute division. Outstanding! Way to go Collette! Way to go Colorado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Satori!


While not every CBJJS Traveling Combat Crew Athlete made the podium at this year’s Pans, each performed admirably, putting themselves to the test in the crucible of competition, and likely becoming the better for it! Outstanding! Broc did not make the podium this year due to an unfortunate disqualification, after being up in his match by many points, because of an inadvertent and momentary muffler grip that he applied to his opponent while passing guard. His Jiu Jitsu was solid to that point, especially his takedowns.

Jay’s Jiu Jitsu was equally solid, earning him some impressive victories, but missing the podium.

While “Big” Walker Madden did not achieve the podium this year, suffering a slim loss via points, he competed fiercely, and we are proud of his performance!

Colorado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Satori – CBJJS – Excellent Instruction – BJJ – MMA – Martial Arts – Self Defense – Fitness – Community – Fun – Central Park – Denver – Aurora – Jiu Jitsu Colorado